Promote your vitality and health into old age with our full-body combination therapy by supplying the body with sufficient oxygen and freeing it from harmful substances.
Trial treatment: 49 euros
Single treatment: 69 euros
5er Paket: 290 Euro
Pack of 10: 490 euros
You are placed in the Vacustyler with highly transparent foil pants (permeable to colored light) and experience a 25-minute overpressure and underpressure treatment with red light.
This extremely gentle treatment not only activates the lymphatic system, but also dilates the blood vessels (arteries and veins). The entire metabolism is intensively stimulated, dissolved fats and waste products can be broken down via the lymphatic system.
The body is detoxified, the skin becomes smoother and the connective tissue tighter.
This treatment is also carried out by many competitive athletes in order to regenerate more quickly after exertion and to heal injuries more quickly.
This great therapy supplies the body with plasma oxygen and beauty light.
Plasma oxygen consists of oxygen and negative ions.
Negative ions are considered one of the most powerful detox therapies because these ions have the ability to neutralize toxins AND increase cellular activity.
Vitality, immune system and performance are increased.
At the same time, the facial skin is cleansed and rejuvenated, because the negative ions together with the emitted light (red, blue or green) stimulate the formation of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin in the skin cells.
The regular inhalation of negatively ionized oxygen can also have a very positive influence on allergies, age-related forgetfulness and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract.
Here you can find answers for freqently asked questions.
Cellulite treatments are tedious and take time. The number of treatments required depends on the severity of the cellulite. In general, one can say that 10 treatments are necessary for one degree of cellulite.
The treatments are absolutely painless. On the contrary. Many describe the treatments as pleasant and relieving.
Similar to sports, 2-3 treatments per week should be used initially. In the later course of therapy, 1-2 treatments are sufficient.
There are few contraindications. These include e.g. B. Diseases of the lymphatic system, high blood pressure or electronic devices (e.g. pacemakers) in the body.
Yes, but the treatment areas should be excluded and the lymphatic drainage should be on the lowest setting.